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汨罗市二手车交易市场有限公司的经营范围是:二手车交易市场管理服务。(涉及国家法律法规许可的项目凭许可证经营)。在湖南省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为3525万元,主要资本集中在 100-1000万 规模的企业中,共11家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于良好。



英美文化-Driving 美国人的开车习惯 Meet Mitsuaki. He recently arrived in the United States to enter university. He wants to do well in his studies and adjust to the new culture. But Mitsuaki has a problem. It''s not his roommates. It''s not his school fees. It''s not even his English ability. Mitsuaki''s problem is that he doesn''t he a car. And in America, that really makes him a foreigner. Mitsuaki has already discovered a basic fact of American culture: Driving is a way of life. 介绍你认识三和木,他最近刚到美国上大学。






It''s not that there''s no public transportation in America. Many cities he taxis, buses and subways to help muters get to and from work. Some large universities even he buses to take students to classes across campus. But most people find it much more convenient to drive, even if they do he to deal with traffic. Nowadays busy families often he more than one vehicle. Many people view their car as a status symbol. But no matter their social status, people without wheels feel tied down. 美国不是没有大众运输工具,很多都市都有出租车、公车和地下铁帮助通车族上下班。





. When Mitsuaki first arrived, he was amazed at how young many American drivers there were. Young people in America often get their driver''s license around age 16 by passing a written test and a driving test. In many cases, before they can get their license, they he to take a driver education course. This course gives students hands-on practice with driving. It also helps to reduce the high cost of insurance. For agers, being able to drive--and in some cases, he their own car--is a big deal. It gives them a sense of power and freedom. Many young Americans consider a driver''s license a right, not a privilege. It''s rare to find an American ager without one. 当三和木刚抵达美国时,他很惊讶美国许多开车的人年纪实在很轻。






Mitsuaki finally decides that he needs a car. His host family helps him find a good used car to buy. But before he gets his license and starts driving, he has to understand that the American style of driving is defensive, not offensive. He also needs to learn some of the basic rules of the road that good drivers follow. 10 Commandments of Good Driving in America: 1. Yield to vehicles who he the right of way. 2. Don''t cut in front of other vehicles. 3. Drive within the speed limit. 4. Obey all road signs and police officers. 5. Pull over to the side of the road when you hear a siren. 6. Stop pletely at red lights and stop signs. 7. Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks. 8. Park only in a designated parking space. 9. Use your turn signals when turning or changing lanes. 10. Don''t drink and drive. 三和木最后终于决定他需要一辆车,他的寄宿家庭帮助他找到了一辆好的二手车。



在美国优良驾驶的十大诫命: 1. 礼让有先行权的车子。

2. 不超车。

3. 行车不超速。

4. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥。

5. 听到警笛声时,立即靠边停车。

6. 遇到红灯和停止标志时要完全停下来。

7. 在行人穿越道上要礼让行人。

8. 只能在指定的停车地区内停车。

9. 转弯或换车道时要打方向灯。

10. 不要酒后驾车。

As a car owner, Mitsuaki has the responsibility of maintaining his car. He knows that regular maintenance checkups can help to prevent many serious problems. But no matter how careful the maintenance, all vehicles need to be repaired sometimes. Many Americans take their cars to a garage for maintenance and repairs. Others like to work on their own vehicles. Not Mitsuaki. He decides that being a student is ...



他们经常回家和家人欢度春节; hinting at its importance as a celebration of Spring,并开展一系列体育活动的的习俗。



清明节,known as the Chinese New Year; literally means "Clear Brightness,又叫踏青节. 清明节,&quot. Similar to the spring festivals of other cultures, Tomb Sweeping Day celebrates the rebirth of nature, while marking the beginning of the planting season and other outdoor activities:Its Chinese name "Qing Ming&quot。

对那些远离家乡的人们,春节是一个合家团聚的时刻.From late January to early February,he their hair cut。


饺子是最受欢迎的. And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year. 春节,即中国人的新年,是中国最重要的节日。

从一月末到二月初人们忙着为新年做准备.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses , is the most important holiday in China春节的:Spring Festival


春节的:Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year, is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,he their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion. And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year. 春节,即中国人的新年,是中国最重要的节日。









The dragon boat festival is a traditional chinese fastival.We hold the festival to remember the great poet Qu Yuan.He was a loyal minister of Chu,and ended his life in Miluo river after his country been destroyed by the enemy.During dragon boat festival,we eat zongzi,which is a special dumpling made of rice and he some sweet stuffing in it.In many provinces,there would be a boating race,and many people would insert Amy on the door,in order to exorcise evil spirits and blessing for peace.Many children would wear a kind of special hand catenary,it made of five colors of cotton lines.It is believed that it can help the chilren bee healther.


你好: 1.The Lantern Festival in China is an important traditional festival. The fifth day is the first months a year round night, is also a yuan after beginning, the earth rejuvenation of the night, people tries to celebrate, also is the continuation of the Chinese New Year celebration, so say again "or shang yuan festival", namely the fifth day lunar calendar. In the ancient book, this one day called "; ", its night says "YuanYe", "yuan xi" or "lantern". And this one name yuan xiao still used today.元宵节是我国一个重要的传统节日。

正月十五日是一年中第一个月圆之夜,也是一元复始,大地回春的夜晚,人们对此加以庆祝,也是庆贺新春的延续 ,因此又称“上元节”,即阴历正月十五日。



2.the Middle-Autumn Festival中秋节The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals.The family members will get together. we can eat mooncakes, such as bean paste, egg-yolk and meat. Moreover, in the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can look the beautiful moon .I think the Midde-Autumn Festival is a very nice festival for Chinese people. 中秋节是中国的传统节日之一,家庭成员会团聚在一起。






春节习俗 The Spring Festival custom 春节是我国一个古老的节日,也是全年最重要的一个节日,如何过庆贺这个节日,在千百年的历史发展中,形成了一些较为固定的风俗习惯,有许多还相传至今。

The Spring Festival in China is an ancient festival, is also the most important throughout the year a festival to celebrate this holiday, over one thousand years of history in the development, formed some relatively fixed customs and habits, and there are many also it today. 压岁钱 Lucky money 春节拜年时,长辈要将事先准备好的压岁钱分给晚辈,据说压岁钱可以压住邪祟,因为“岁”与“祟”谐音,晚辈得到压岁钱就可以平平安安度过一岁。

Hy New Year Spring Festival, the elders will prepared New Year's money to the younger generation, it is said that the New Year's money can be pinned XieSui, because "old" and "are" harmonics, junior get lucky money can be spent a year in peace. 压岁钱有两种,一种是以彩绳穿线编作龙形,置于床脚; The New Year's money has o, one is the color rope threading loin dragon, at the foot of the bed; 另一种是最常见的,即由家长用红纸包裹分给孩子的钱。

The other is the most mon, the parents with red paper parcel to the child's money. 压岁钱可在晚辈拜年后当众赏给,也可在除夕夜孩子睡着时,家长愉偷地放在孩子的枕头底下。

The New Year's money can be in the younger generation after new rewarded in public, also can be in the baby fell asleep on New Year's eve, the parent please on the child stealing under the pillow. 民间认为分压岁钱给孩子,当“年”去伤害孩子时,孩子可以用这些钱让它化凶为吉。

Folk think points New Year's money for children, when "year" to hurt the child, the child can use the money to let it change fierce for auspicious. 压岁钱牵系着一颗颗童心,而孩子的压岁钱主要用来买鞭炮、玩具和糖果等节日所需的东西。

The New Year's money is set on million child, and the child's New Year's money is mainly used to buy off firecrackers, toys and sweets etc festival wants. 现在长辈为晚辈分送压岁钱的习俗仍然盛行,压岁饯的数额从几十到几百不等,这些压岁钱多被孩子们用来购买图书和学习用品,新的时尚为压岁钱赋予了新的内容。

Now for the younger generation of New Year's money distributed elders custom still popular, pressure from dozens of the amount of one years old to several hundred dollars, more than the New Year's money by children used to buy books and learning supplies, the new fashion for the New Year's money endowed with new content. 贴春联 Spring Festival couplet 春联也叫门对、春贴、对联、对子、桃符等,它以工整、对偶、简洁、精巧的文字描绘时代背景,抒发美好愿望,是我国特有的文学形式。

The Spring Festival couplet also to spring posts, accusation, couplet, subsidiary, TaoFu etc, it with neatly and dual, concise, exquisite words describe background, to express good wishes, is China's unique form of literature. 每逢春节,无论城市还是农村,家家户户都要精选一副大红春联贴于门上,为节日增加喜庆气氛。

Every Chinese New Year, no matter the city or the country, every family to select a pair of bright red stick in the Spring Festival couplets on the door, increase for the festival festival atmosphere. 这一习俗起于宋代,在明代开始盛行,到了清代,春联的思想性和艺术性都有了很大的提高。

This custom up in song dynasty, in the beginning in the Ming dynasty, the qing dynasty, the Spring Festival couplet ideological content and artistic quality has improved a lot. 春联的种类比较多,依其使用场所,可分为门心、框对、等。

The type of Spring Festival couplets is more, according to its use place, can be divided into the door of heart, box, etc. “门心”贴于门板上端中心部位; "The door heart" stuck on the door at the top central place; “框对”贴于左右两个门框上; "Box to" stick around in o posts; “横披”贴于门媚的横木上。

"HengPi" stuck on the door the cros *** ar of mei. 贴窗花和倒贴“福”字 Posted DaoTie grilles and "fu" character 在贴春联的同时,一些人家要在屋门上、墙壁上、门楣上贴上大大小小的“福”字。

In the Spring Festival couplet at the same time, some people in the door to, the walls, signage pasted greatly *** all "f" word. 春节贴“福”字,是我国民间由来已久的风俗。

The Spring Festival is stuck "fu" character, is our country folk customs of has a long history. “福”字指福气、福运,寄托了人们对幸福生活的向往,对美好未来的祝愿。

"F" word refers to the blessing, good fortune, showing the people to the hy life yearning, the wishes for a bright future. 为了更充分地体现这种向往和祝愿,有的人干脆将“福”字倒过来贴,表示“幸福已到”“福气已到”。

In order to fully reflect th...


Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year,is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,he their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year




~你的纳是我前进的动力~~The Dragon Boat Festival is one of the most popular traditional festivals celebrated in China, which is on the fifth of the fifth lunar month, also known as Duanwu Festival.It's said that it is to memorate the death of a Chinese patriotic poet, Qu Yuan, who was snared by corrupt officials in ancient China and finally mitted by drowning himself in the Miluo River to protest against them.端午节是中国传统节日中最流行的节日之一,它是在阴历五月的第五天。


The traditions and customs held on this festival differ from place to place, but there are some mon in them.First, the most famous and great tradition is holding Dragon Boat races, which are held by fishermen's attempt to protect Qu Yuan's body against attacking by fishes and other animals in the river by beating drums and row the dragon shaped boat.Nowadays dragon boat races he been an annual popular sport activity among people.In addition, making and eating Zongzi—a dumpling made of glutinous rice and wred in bamboo or reed lees—is also a popular custom during this day.It can be made by many kinds of stuffing.What's more, hanging herbs on the front door, drinking realgar wine and pasting up picture of Zhongkui—a mythic guardian figure in ancient china—are also popular during the festival, which are mean to protect people from evil and disease.这个传统习俗不同的地方有不同的庆祝方式,但也有相同的方面。



此外,做和吃粽子——糯米面团,包着竹叶或芦苇叶,在那一天也是 一个流行的风俗。



These customs and traditions he been changed a little in recent years, but they still make contribution to the spread and inheritance of Chinese culture.这些习俗和传统,在最近几年已经发生了一些变化,但他们仍然为中国文化传承与传播做贡献。


Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with hy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.翻译:中国的春节庆祝冬天的结束和温暖春天的来临。






When you ask a foreign what's his impression about Chinese, he will say Chinese people are friendly and kind, but if you ask his impression about Chinese people when they are meeting in social occasion, he will answer you with the drink. It is a tradition for Chinese people that when they invite friends, they must prepare a lot of wine, the guests need to be drunk, because it means the hosts do a good job on treating their friends. Wine culture in China is very popular, it reflects on the business munication, too. When people need to deal with the business, they like to book a table in the hotel, and talk about the business work while they are hing dinner. The inevitable thing is to drink, the boss like to watch the young employees to drink, when the boss is hy, the business is done. Chinese social munication is not in the best way, but there is no way to change.

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